Sunday morning Faith Formation at St. Elizabeth’s

Faith formation for all ages meets on Sundays from September (after Labor Day) until Memorial Day at 9:15 am.

Adults and youth learn together in the Ark Room every Sunday.

Children (pre-K through 5th grade) meet in the Sunday School room.

We also provide coloring pages, children’s bulletins, books, and other materials for children to explore at our Pray and Play table during the worship service.

Come learn, grow, and play together at all ages and stages!

Adult Bible Study

Meets Wednesdays at Noon from September through May in the Ark Room. Bring your lunch and join us!

Youth Group

We love our youth at St. Elizabeth's! We offer a welcoming environment for youth to be themselves and to be full participants in the life of our church. On Sunday mornings at 9:15 am, youth are invited to join the Adult/Youth Sunday School class in the Ark Room. We also offer special events and ministry opportunities for youth throughout the school year.

For more information on youth ministries, please email the Rector at

Outreach Ministries

At St. Elizabeth's, service is one of our primary values. We follow Jesus in loving and serving our neighbor. St. E's parishioners participate in most of these ministries year-round, though some are seasonal. Each month we have an outreach focus--learning about, praying for, giving to and serving one of these organizations or programs.

Here are some of the many organizations where St. E's is involved in ministry:

CROP Hunger Walk

Boys Home of Virginia

Afghan Refugee Resettlement
Partnering with Commonwealth Catholic Charities and other Roanoke Episcopal churches.

St. Francis House Food Pantry

Congregations in Action
Ministry serving our neighborhood elementary schools, especially providing food for food insecure students.

Worship Ministries

Worship is something we value highly at St. Elizabeth's, and we invite you not only to join us in worship, but to engage in worship ministries. We would love to talk to you about serving on the Altar Guild, serving as a reader, usher, chalice server, or acolyte. For more information, please contact our Rector at

Admission of New Members to Daughters of the King, July 2023

Prayer Ministries

Centering Prayer is a way of praying that complements the liturgical prayer and conversational prayer forms with which we are most familiar. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer — verbal, mental or affective prayer — into a receptive prayer of resting in God. Centering Prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God and as a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him. It draws on the Scriptures and the Christian contemplative tradition and has been practiced in a number of liturgical church traditions for centuries. It asks practitioners to make time to be still, pray in silence, and spend time with God in our hearts or our inner most selves. Centering Prayer meets on Mondays from 10-11AM in the Ark Room.

The Order of the Daughters of the King:
St. Elizabeth's is home to a chapter of Daughters of the King. Learn more here:

Please email us at
for more information.