Regular Service Schedule
8:00 AM Holy Communion with no music
10:30 AM Holy Communion with music
Nursery care provided for children five years old and younger during the 10:30 service on the first Sunday of each month.
Faith formation for all ages is offered September through May from 9:15 to 10:15 AM.
Healing Prayer with laying on of hands is offered during both worship services on the third Sunday each month.
Evening Prayer is offered the second Wednesday of every month at 7pm. This service is preceded by a potluck supper at 6pm.
Music is an important part of our Sunday services and parish life at St. Elizabeth's. The 10:30 AM Sunday service is rich with hymns and liturgical music. While the focus is on traditional music from the hymnal, accompanied by piano, and sometimes also by organ, we also incorporate gospel and contemporary music. Singers and instrumentalists from our congregation serve as music leaders and performers under the direction of the music director and our two regular accompanists. We are flexible and creative in adding various instruments such as handbells and percussion to traditional or contemporary arrangements. All music is live, not recorded! With a small choir, the choir members serve mainly as song leaders, rather than focusing on part singing, although we are always open to doing something special or different. We also enjoy a summer concert series outside. If you are interested in contributing to music at St. Elizabeth's please contact music director Randolph Walker at musdir@stelizabethsroanoke.org